Lies! See also: The Bird of Truth. Those of you familiar with the depths of the Moonbeard archive may have noticed comics of late have been revisiting old, forgotten characters. This is because they were all sulky and I felt bad. And also because on some level I feel webcomics should probably have some sort of recurring characters and/or story-lines to provide a richer experience for returning visitors. That’s right! This is an explicit admission that I would like you, the reader, to consider sticking around.

A kind thank you to all that have bought anything from my Society6 page, and I haven’t had a chance to see much of the merch myself so please let me know how they turn out. I do have a terrible framed Sad Batman watch me while I make dinners though, and I recommend it. If there’s a comic you would like a print of that isn’t on there, hit me up and I’ll add it. Except pretend I didn’t just write the words “hit me up.”

In other news, has everyone seen Gravity? It is rather good

EDIT: This comic now available as a print through Society6 (What?!?! That’s amazing)